Mar 22, 2025  
2025-2026 Graduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Graduate Catalog

Master of Science in Cybersecurity

Master of Cybersecurity

The Departments of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics, and Mathematical and Computer Sciences jointly offer the Master of Cybersecurity (CYBM). The Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology houses and administers the CYBM Program.

MSU Denver’s Master of Cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary program that combines the knowledge of cyber laws/policies, with a theoretical understanding of cyber-criminal behavior, and advanced computer science and information systems solutions.

Mission Statement and Goals

The mission of the CYBM program is to provide students with in-depth knowledge as well as practical skills in both policy and analysis of computer and network security, privacy, computer forensics, and the investigation, prosecution, and punishment of cybercrime. The CYBM program:

  1. Offers a multidisciplinary curriculum that combines the areas of computer science, computer information systems, cyber laws and policies, with an understanding of cyber-crimes and criminals;
  2. Enables students with either a technical or non-technical undergraduate field of study to obtain a graduate degree in cybersecurity;
  3. Prepares students to enter management or technical positions at all levels in the field of cybersecurity, and
  4. Provides students with leadership skills and an ability to work well in a team-based work environment.


The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) developed the National Cybersecurity Workplace Framework, and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) developed Industry Competency Model. The CYBM competencies use the above framework and model as guides. The CYBM graduates will be able to:

  1. Identify, analyze, and mitigate threats to computer and information systems.
  2. Conceptualize, design, and build secure information systems.
  3. Provide support to ensure effective and efficient computer and information system performance and security.
  4. Provide leadership, management, strategy, development, and advocacy so that organizations may effectively conduct cybersecurity work.
  5. Investigate cyber events or crimes of computer and information systems and networks.
  6. Apply cyber laws and regulations in prosecuting and punishing cyber criminals.
  7. Be responsible for specialized denial and deception operations and collection of cybersecurity information that may be used to develop intelligence.

Admission to the CYBM Program:

To be eligible for admission  to the CYBM program, candidates must:

  • Submit graduate application and application fee
  • Submit a curriculum vitae or resume
  • Hold a baccalaureate from an accredited college or university.
  • Submit official transcripts from all institutions of higher education previously attended. A minimum undergraduate GPA 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 is required

All submitted documentation will be reviewed by the CYBM Admission Committee for a final decision.

In addition, international admissions must include the following:

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): Obtain a minimum score of 76 on the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) (an equivalent of 533 on the paper-based TOEFL (PBT)). An official score must be sent directly from TOEFL Services; MSU Denver’s institution code is 4505. Scores older than two years are not acceptable.
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System): Obtain an overall band score of at least 6.0. An official score must be sent directly from the testing company. Scores older than two years old are not acceptable.

Application Deadline

For fall admission, please check the CYBM website for current application deadlines.

All Required Application Materials

For the full list of application materials for the CYBM program, please visit the CYBM Program website @–msincybersecurity/

Non-degree-seeking Admission Guidelines:

Students may be admitted to the CYBM graduate degree program with a non-degree-seeking status. Non-degree-seeking students do not qualify for financial aid and must re-apply and pay a new application fee in order to become degree seeking. Completing coursework as a non-degree-seeking student does not guarantee admission into a degree program.  Students may take up to 12 credit hours. These credits will count toward transfer credits if the student is admitted as a CYBM degree-seeking student.

Non-degree-seeking Applicants Must Submit the Following:

  • Graduate application and application fee.
  • Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education previously attended.
  • Curriculum vitae or resume.

Transfer Student Admission Guidelines

  • No more than six (6) graduate-level transfer credits (semester hours or equivalent) will be accepted for the CYBM program. The credits must have been completed no longer than six years prior to the admission term and must be from a regionally accredited, U.S. institution or equivalent. 
  • The CYBM Program has discretion over acceptance of transfer courses. A minimum grade of “B” is required for each transfer course. Applicants should check the CYBM program website and/or contact a program advisor for details.

Please visit the CYBM Program website for more information on how to request the transfer of credits into the CYBM Program @–msincybersecurity/.

Credit for Prior Learning or Life Experience

The CYBM does not offer any credits from learning gained through life experience toward the CYBM degree.

Testing Out Policy

The CYBM does not provide an option to test out of any coursework at the graduate level.

Readmission Policy

Students who have not been in attendance for three consecutive semesters including summer must reapply to the CYBM Program. Students seeking readmission must be in good academic standing.  

CYBM Program students who are eligible for readmission should submit the following materials:

·      The MSU Denver general graduate application and fee.

  • Students who are readmitted into the CYBM Program will be held to the policies and curriculum of the later term in which they officially restart the CYBM Program. 
  • An approved readmit application is valid for one academic year (including summer) from the readmit semester. 
  • Students who are not in good academic standing are not eligible for the readmit application process and must fully apply to the CYBM Program.

Financial Aid Information

There is a lot of information involved in applying for and receiving financial aid.  Please visit MSU Denver Graduate Financial Aids @ for more information.

Degree Completion

Graduate Course Registration Eligibility

Only students who are formally accepted into the CYBM graduate program or non-degree-seeking status may register for any CYBM graduate courses.

GPA Requirements

Students in the CYBM Program must complete the degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Any student falling below a 3.0 average in any given term will be placed on academic probation. Students who fail to raise their GPA to 3.0 or above after 15 credit hours will be dismissed from the CYBM program.

No grade lower than a “C” will count toward the degree. Students receiving a “D” or below will be required to repeat the course.

Duplicative Coursework

The CYBM program does not allow any course to count toward both a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree.

Course Load

Students may enroll in no more than nine (9) credits per semester for fall, spring, or summer semesters without the approval of all the involved departments.

Residency Requirement

The University residency requirement for master’s programs is the total number of semester hours required for the program minus nine (9).

Grades and Notations

The CYBM Program does not grant plus and minus grades. Students should refer to the Academic Policies and Procedures section of the Graduate Catalog for a listing of all grades and notations including incompletes and withdrawals. 

Program Policy for Incomplete Notation

In addition to adhering to the University requirement for Incomplete eligibility, CYBM students who have any outstanding incompletes at the start of the following semester will receive an automatic performance review which may result in an altered academic plan. 

Time Limit on Completion of Degree

Students must complete the CYBM degree within six calendar years from the term they initially enroll. Students should check the program website @–msincybersecurity/ and specific program section of the catalog to determine specific degree requirements.

Advancement to Candidacy

All CYBM students must successfully complete all CYBM courses (totaling 36 credit hours) including CYBM 6001 (Capstone) and complete the senior project.

A review of a candidate’s plan of study and progress must be conducted as soon as all the minimum requirements have been met and no later than the first day of the term in which the student expects to complete the degree. Minimum requirements for the review include completion of any admission requirements, an approved plan of study that will lead to meeting the degree requirements, posting of any transfer work to the student’s record, and a grade point average of “B” or better in all work completed to that point. Successful completion of the review and approval by the appropriate faculty advisors, or student services office and the Office of Graduate Studies constitutes Advancement to Candidacy.

The Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct will apply to all MSU Denver students, regardless of level. Access the Student Code of Conduct from MSU Denver website @


Internship is not required for the CYBM program. However, students may take the internship (CYBM 6000) for 3 credit hours. To be eligible, students must have completed 24 credit hours of the CYBM courses and instructor’s permission.

Required Courses

The Departments of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics, and Mathematics and Statistics jointly offer the Master of Cybersecurity (CYBM). The Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology houses and administers the CYBM Program.

MSU Denver’s Master of Cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary program that combines the knowledge of cyber laws/policies, with a theoretical understanding of cyber-criminal behavior, and advanced computer science and information systems solutions. 


More electives will be added as the program grows. 

Total Required Credits: 36