Mar 13, 2025  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration and Records

All continuing students in good standing and all applicants accepted to the University are eligible to register each semester.

Students are responsible for ensuring that their address and phone number on file with the University are correct and up-to-date. Address changes may be made in-person with the Office of the Registrar, sent via fax to 303-556-3999, or through ConnectU,

Information on the registration procedure, registration dates, and student responsibilities and obligations related to registration is available on ConnectU,

Priority Registration

Priority registration allows current students who have completed a specified number of earned hours to register before other students. Earned hours include hours earned with a passing letter grade. Priority begins with graduate students, seniors, followed by juniors, sophomores, continuing freshmen, non-degree-seeking students, and newly admitted freshmen.

Legitimate Academic Interest to Attend a Course

To attend a class, students must have a legitimate academic interest (e.g., be officially registered, waitlisted, auditing a course, enrolled through CU Denver pooled program, etc.). Individuals may not attend a class if they do not have a legitimate academic interest. Officially registered means that students have been accepted for admission by the University, and that the Course Reference Number (CRN) for the class is entered on the student’s registration record. The deadline to register for a full-semester class is the census date, specified on the Academic Calendar at There are pro-rated deadlines for all other courses outside of the full-semester courses.

Late Registration Fee Policy

Metropolitan State University of Denver will administer a $100 service charge to students registering for Fall and Spring full-semester classes past the posted late registration date on the Academic Calendar and the appropriate fall/spring schedule. Full-semester classes are those scheduled during the regular, 16-week fall and spring semester, including online classes, classes at Metro North and Metro South and 2+2 courses. This does not apply to Winterim, Summer session courses or other parts of term classes. This fee is classified as a User Fee and Charge for Service under the Student Fee Plan and will be assessed at the time of registration. Exceptions include students registered only for non-full-semester classes, MSU Denver employees who are taking advantage of the tuition-reimbursement benefit and not allowed to register prior to the first day of classes, and students who were placed on wait lists prior to late registration date yet absorbed later. Appeals will be handled initially through the Office of Enrollment Services and ultimately through the Office of the Bursar, whose decision will be final.

NOT included as exceptions:

  • Part-time students taking full-semester classes
  • Non-degree students taking full-semester classes
  • Any other students taking full-semester classes other than those described as exceptions above  

Changes in Registration

Enrolled students may adjust their schedules by dropping and/or adding classes. Students must add or drop classes before the drop deadline. Students must follow proper drop or withdrawal procedures in the event that they do not attend a class. Failure to attend class does not constitute withdrawal. Students who do not officially withdraw or drop their classes will be assessed full tuition and fees.

Drop/refund and withdrawal deadlines are located in ConnectU on the Student Detail Schedule.

Students who reduce their course load after the drop deadline and before the withdrawal deadline will receive a “W” notation for each course they have dropped. Refer to the withdrawal policy in this catalog under Academic Policies and Procedures .

ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REGISTRATION TRANSACTIONS. Students are also responsible for following all drop deadlines.

Withdrawal due to State or National Emergency

In times of emergency, certain students, such as firefighters, individuals with specialized skills, and those in reserve military units, are called to provide services to the state or country. When the call for service or military deployment is issued, students are often required to interrupt their coursework mid-semester without advance notice. The University recognizes that normal refund and withdrawal policies may not be appropriate and, therefore, will make the following provisions for individuals who leave the institution mid-semester to respond to a state or national emergency. Follow-up documentation will be required to substantiate the call for service or military deployment.

  1. Students called for service or military deployment will be reimbursed for the tuition and fees that they have paid.
  2. Students have the option of:
    1. Administrative removal of enrollment (no record of enrollment remains on the student’s academic record).
    2. Administrative withdrawal (“AW” notation appears on the student’s academic record for each course in which the student is registered).
    3. Incomplete (“I” notation appears on the student’s academic record for selected courses in which the student is registered if the instructors agree to allow the student to complete or make up work in these courses. This option may entail the student being granted an Incomplete (I) with an opportunity to complete the coursework within one year).
  3. The Office of the Registrar will make the final determination for administrative withdrawal on a case-by-case basis.
  4. Each instructor and the department chair will be notified by the Office of the Registrar of a student’s administrative withdrawal due to a call for service or military deployment.

Students who must withdraw from all classes during a semester due to a state or national call for service or military deployment should contact the Office of the Registrar, Veteran Education Benefits, Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3), 303-556-2993,

Selective Service Registration Certification

As of July 1, 1993, any male student who fails to register for the Selective Service will be ineligible for federal student aid, according to the Military Service Act (Public Law 97-252).

Colorado Revised Statute 23-5-118 (selective service registration prerequisite to enrollment) requires all males between the ages of 18 and 26 to certify that they have registered with Selective Service before enrolling in any state-supported institution in Colorado. Any male who has not registered by his 26th birthday will be ineligible to enroll at the University. A Selective Service registration hold will be placed on the student’s account until the student registers with Selective Service at and provides a Selective Service Certification Form to the Office of the Registrar.

Definition of Full-time and Half-time Status

The following chart outlines the number of semester hours required to meet full-time and half-time status for fall, spring and summer semesters:

Full-time 9 or more semester hours
Half-time 5 - 8 semester hours
Less than Half-time 4 semester hours or less

Official Transcript (Official Academic Record)

The official transcript is a certified copy of a student’s permanent academic record. It contains the official signature of the registrar and the official seal of the University. Students may order transcripts by logging in to ConnectU, There is no charge for transcripts, except for faxed requests. Students requesting to have a transcript faxed will be charged $6.00. There may be a delay in request depending on the end of term grading and posting of degrees. Transcripts will only be issued upon written request which should include:

  • Student’s full legal name as recorded while attending MSU Denver;
  • Student’s identification number;
  • Birth date;
  • Last term of attendance;
  • To whom and where the transcripts are to be sent
  • Number of copies desired; and
  • Student signature authorizing the release of records.

Transcripts will be withheld due to indebtedness to the University or for other appropriate reasons. Students who owe money to the University may contact the Office of the Bursar, 303-556-6188, to arrange payment.

Falsified Transcripts and Diplomas

Altering, modifying, tampering with, or in any way falsifying an official Metropolitan State University of Denver transcript or diploma is a crime. The University has implemented multiple measures to detect such conduct. To protect the integrity and value of an MSU Denver degree, the Attorney General will vigorously prosecute, through the criminal justice system, those who commit these crimes.

In addition, students found responsible for falsifying an official MSU Denver transcript or diploma will face a University judicial hearing and appropriate sanctions may be imposed, including suspension, dismissal, and loss of credit, which could affect the student’s permanent record. 

Mandatory Immunization Requirement

Students must comply with the Immunization Policy requirements within their first semester of attendance, in order to be eligible to register for future semesters. Non-compliant students will have registration holds put on their accounts if they have not completed the policy requirements by the published deadline during their first semester of attendance. The summer and fall enrollee deadline is October 1; the spring enrollee deadline is March 1.

Mandatory Health Insurance Requirement

All undergraduate and graduate students taking nine (9) credits or more in any given semester are required to submit proof of having health insurance that meets the University compliance standards, which include the current Federal requirements for health insurance. When submitting an “Insurance Selection” form students may select to participate in the University sponsored health insurance plan in order to fulfill this requirement or submit proof of existing outside health insurance that meets the University’s compliance standards.

Failure to comply with the University’s health insurance compliance requirement will result in having a registration hold placed on a student’s account, which will prevent future registration. This hold will remain in effect until health insurance coverage that meets the University’s compliance standards has been submitted, audited and approved.

For more information, visit the Auraria Health Center website,