The minor in Philosophy gives students the skills to analyze complex issues, communicate clearly and accurately, and think logically. It helps prepare students for a variety of careers, especially in law, public policy, nonprofits, writing, etc.
This minor is a very flexible program designed to enhance a number of possible majors, including those that focus on writing, historical knowledge, and/or textual interpretation, including Anthropology, English, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, or Gender Studies. Given that it hones critical thinking skills, also compliments majors that do not focus on writing and/or textual interpretation, such as majors in STEM or professional degrees.
With the minor in Philosophy, students will also meet General Studies requirements for Arts and Humanities and Oral Communication.
A letter grade of “C-” or better is necessary in each of the required core courses.
This program can be taken online, hybrid, or in person.