2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Elementary Education Licensure
The Elementary Licensure Program prepares candidates to teach kindergarten through grade six. Through the sequence of courses and field experiences, the candidate satisfies all of Colorado’s performance based standards for licensure in elementary education. Degree seeking Elementary Education Licensure candidates must choose from one of the following approved majors in order to complete the degree-seeking program in Elementary Education.
- African American Studies
- Biology
- Chicano Studies
- English
- History
- Human Development
- Mathematics
- Modern Languages-Spanish Concentration
- Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Major with Elementary Licensure
The requirements of each major are designed to ensure that the program meets Colorado Licensure Standards and prepares candidates to pass the corresponding licensure content examination and to teach to the Colorado Model Content Standards for Elementary Education.
Content area knowledge for elementary education is provided by the student’s major, the additional required content courses, and by the specific general studies requirements listed below. In most cases the courses listed below may be applied to MSU Denver’s General Studies requirements. The footnotes contain information about the exceptions. A student’s major program may have some specific General Studies requirements/restrictions that must also be met to complete the baccalaureate degree. Students should consult with an advisor in their major about specific General Studies requirements and with an education advisor about possible changes in the courses below.
General Studies Requirements for Elementary Education Licensure
Total General Studies: 33
- Only students seeking education licensure may use these courses to satisfy their General Studies requirements.
- The General Studies Quantitative Literacy requirement is waived for students with a major or minor in mathematics. Mathematics majors take MTH 1410 instead of MTH 1610 and their total for General Studies is 30 hours.
- Speech Communication majors must take SPE 1010.
- History majors must take three extra credit hours of General Studies in either Arts and Humanities, Natural and Physical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences I, or Social and Behavioral Sciences II in lieu of three hours in the Historical category. The selected course may not have the HIS prefix or be crosslisted with a course with the HIS prefix.
- English majors must select another General Studies Arts and Humanities course and take ENG 3461 instead of ENG 2460. The selected course may not have the ENG prefix or be crosslisted with a course with the ENG prefix.
- PSY 1800 does not satisfy the General Studies Social and Behavioral Sciences II requirement for Human Development majors. Students should meet with an advisor.
- Biology majors must take CHE 1110, CHE 1150, and one additional course chosen in consultation with a Biology Education advisor, instead of SCI 2610 and SCI 2620, and their total for General Studies is 37.
- Speech, Language and Hearing Science majors who choose not to concentrate in Childhood Communication will take BIO 1080 and BIO 1090 instead of SCI 2620 and their total for General Studies is 34.
- Satisfies the General Studies Global Diversity requirement.
Professional Elementary Education Licensure Sequence
Additional Required Content Courses
Total Licensure Sequence: 49 - 50
* English major must substitute ENG 4650 for this course. Note:
Candidates seeking teacher licensure must also gain admission to the Teacher Education Program. The application form for the program must be completed by attending an Application Meeting scheduled through the Teacher Application Center (WC 136). Formal admission must be obtained BEFORE Integrated Methods coursework can be taken. Refer to the Provisional and Formal Admission section of this Catalog for more information about the necessary process. Majors with Elementary Education Licensure
Candidates who wish to obtain Colorado Licensure in Elementary Education must earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in an approved content major. Candidates must choose a major from the following selections in order to fulfill licensure requirements for MSU Denver and the State of Colorado. Licensure candidates must consult an advisor who is designated to work with teacher education students in their selected major, as well as one in the appropriate teacher education department. African American Studies Major with Elementary Licensure
Students with this major will have strength in history with five or six history courses, including three history courses in the major, one or two in the support courses (depending on their choice) and one in General Studies—HIS 1210, American History to 1865, or HIS 1220. In particular, students will have Colorado history, a course that is pertinent to the African American Studies major and to elementary school teachers. Students will also have strength in literacy with seven English courses, two English courses in the major, two required as support courses, and three in General Studies. Foundation Courses: 33 credits
Additional Required Courses: 9 credits
Students select three of the following support, breadth courses: Totals:
Major Total | 42 | General Studies Total | 33 | Licensure Total | 49 | Grand Total | 124 | Biology Major with Elementary Licensure
A candidate majoring in Biology and seeking Elementary Education Teacher Licensure will receive a broad, diverse education in the sciences with a focus in Biological Sciences. The Biology Major includes additional preparation in life sciences, botany, zoology, ecology, physiology and genetics (health content). Additional Major Courses
Upper Division Biology Electives selected in consultation with and approved by a Biology Advisor. 16 Credit Hours General Studies Exceptions for Biology Major with Elementary Licensure
General Studies Exception for Biology Major with Elementary Licensure Candidates majoring in Biology must take the following courses to fulfill the Natural Science General Studies requirement. Therefore, Biology majors do not have to take the Integrated Sciences courses (SCI 2610 or SCI 2620) listed under the General Studies requirement for Elementary Education. Totals:
Major Total: 16 General Studies Total (includes GS exception): 36 Licensure Total: 49 - 50 Grand Total: 125 - 126 *Senior Experience Chicano Studies Major with Elementary Licensure
Candidates with this major will have strength in history with five or six history courses including four or five in the major and one in General Studies. In particular, candidates will have a course in Colorado history, one that is pertinent to the Chicano Studies major and elementary school teachers. Candidates will also have strength in literacy with five English courses including three in the major and two in General Studies. Additional Required Courses
Major Total: 42 General Studies Total: 33 Licensure Total: 49 Grand Total: 124 *Senior Experience Course **One of HIS 1210 and HIS 1220 must be used to meet the General Studies Requirements for Elementary Education Licensure. The other course can be chosen here. English Major with Elementary Licensure
The English Major includes additional preparation in literature and composition. English is a major which will address the literacy standards by providing the candidate with additional preparation in language and literacy. The program provides candidates with a strong foundation in literature and literary genres; a solid perspective on the English language, including its history, structure, and development; and both theory and practice in composition, language arts, communication, and teaching methodology. The candidate will also be prepared to teach literature of various cultures, accommodate cultural and ethnic diversity in language and writing, and communicate effectively with a diverse population of candidates. Language/Linguistics Courses
Writing/Composition Courses
English Electives
6 hours Two upper-division English courses selected in consultation with and approved by a designated English advisor. Totals:
Major Total: 42 General Studies Total: 33 Licensure Total (EDU 3660 is not required for English majors): 47 Grand Total: 122-123** * Senior Experience Course ** See an advisor for elective and credit requirements. General Studies Exceptions for English Major with Elementary Licensure
Candidates majoring in English take ENG 3461 Children’s Literature: Theory and Practice instead of ENG 2460 Children’s Literature listed in General Studies requirements for Elementary Licensure. English majors must choose an additional Arts and Humanities course to fulfill the General Studies requirements. The selected course may not have the ENG prefix or be crosslisted with a course with the ENG prefix. History Major with Elementary Licensure
History is a broad, diverse study which addresses both world and United States history. The core courses in the major provide the candidate with the knowledge-base to understand contemporary societal issues while drawing on experiences from the historical past. History Major, General Concentration
Category I: American History Chronological Sequence (select at least three courses)
Category II: European History Chronological Sequence (select at least two courses):
History Electives (select at least four courses):
Elective courses may be selected from among any of the HIS prefix courses offered by the History Department. If HIS 1040, World History since 1500, is not taken as part of the core, students must include among their history electives a course covering an area outside the United States and Europe. It is highly recommended that students seeking teaching licensure in Early Childhood or Elementary Education take HIS 1110, Colorado History I, as one of their electives. Subtotal: 12Totals:
Major Total: | 42 | General Studies Total: | 33 | Licensure Total: | 49 - 50 | Grand Total: | 124 - 125 | *Senior Experience General Studies Exceptions for History Major with Elementary Licensure
History majors must take three extra credit hours of General Studies in either Arts and Humanities, Natural and Physical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences I, or Social and Behavioral Sciences II in lieu of three hours in the Historical category. The selected course may not have the HIS prefix or be crosslisted with a course with the HIS prefix. Human Development Major with Elementary Licensure
This interdisciplinary major in human development will provide students with a focus on the entire life span and in-depth knowledge about theory, research, and application in human development. Students will participate in field experiences to make connections between theory, research and practice. Human Development Electives:
Choose three courses from the following: Totals:
Major Total: 42 General Studies Total: 33 Licensure Total: 49-50 Grand Total: 124-125 1PSY 1800 does not satisfy the General Studies Social and Behavioral Sciences II requirement for Human Development majors. Students should meet with an advisor. 2Students who have taken MTH 1210 or its equivalent and transfer before deciding to major in Human Development may substitute it for PSY 2310. MTH 1210 cannot be used for both the major and to satisfy the Level 1 General Studies Mathematics requirement. 3Senior Experience course Mathematics Major with Elementary Licensure
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences offers a major in Mathematical Sciences with a concentration in Mathematics Education. The goals of this program are to provide candidates with broad-based and coherent preparation in the various disciplines that constitute the mathematical sciences and the pedagogical knowledge of mathematics needed to begin a career as an elementary school teacher. Obtaining this degree, however, does not require that candidates obtain licensure to be an elementary school teacher. This concentration also prepares candidates for continued study of the mathematical sciences at the graduate level. Candidates are required to talk to a faculty advisor in the area of mathematics education as well as a teacher licensure advisor as they plan their academic program. The mathematics major with Mathematics education concentration requires completion of the courses listed below with grades of “C” or better. A course taken more than ten years ago will need to be repeated unless the candidate can demonstrate current knowledge of the concepts of the course. Advanced Math Total: 22
*MTH 3130 and one of the following (MTH 4110 or MTH 4150 or MTH 4410 or MTH 4660) may substitute for MTH 3140. *Senior Experience Course Computer Science Total: 4
Major Total: 41 General Studies Total: 30 Licensure Total: 49 Grand Total: 120 General Studies Exceptions for Math Major with Elementary Licensure
The General Studies Quantitative Literacy requirement is waived for students with a major or minor in mathematics. Mathematics majors take MTH 1410 instead of MTH 1610 and their total for General Studies is 30 hours. Modern Language Major, Spanish Concentration with Elementary Licensure
The Modern Languages Major with Spanish concentration includes additional preparation to teach in bilingual classrooms. The Spanish concentration provides a strong multidisciplinary educational base in the language of Spanish, Spanish culture, and Spanish literature. Content is also provided in supporting disciplines such as economics, civics, geography, and music. The foundations courses in the major provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to develop into language and literature specialists in a true arts tradition. This concentration requires 36 hours in Spanish and 6 hours of Hispanic topics. Oral Communication Skills
Written Communication Skills
Totals: Major Total: 42 General Studies Total: 33 Licensure Total: 49 Grand Total: 124 Speech Communication Major - Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences Concentration with Elementary Licensure
An emphasis in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences provides a sound background for candidates pursuing careers in education, health care, and vocational rehabilitation. Graduates in Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences who complete Option A will have the prerequisite coursework to pursue a graduate degree in Speech- Language Pathology or Audiology, which opens careers in schools, community clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and practice. Students who select Option B will gain additional practicum experience working with children who have speech, language and literacy needs in early childhood and elementary school settings. Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Option A
Additional Courses (Select at least five hours)
Major required for Option A: 42 General Studies: 34 Licensure: 49 Grand Total: 125 Note:
Students planning to seek certification from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association should take MTH 1210 Introduction to Statistics or PSY 2310 Introduction to Statistics, PSY 2210 Psychology of Human Development, and PHY 1000 Introduction to Physics or PHY 3620 Physics of Sound and Music. General Studies Exception for Speech Communication Licensure with Option A of the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Concentration Students must take SPE 1010 instead of SPE 1710 and must take BIO 1080 and BIO 1090 instead of SCI 2620. Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Option B
Additional Courses (select at least 9 hours)
Major: 36 General Studies: 33 Licensure: 49 Unrestricted Elective: 2 Grand Total: 120 General Studies Exception for Speech Communication Major with Licensure Option B
Students must take SPE 1010 instead of SPE 1710. |